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For May 2025

Oklahoma Rose (Very fragrant)


Oklahoma Rose is exceptionally fragrant. Very dark red, nearly black velvet flowers. Huge, 5″ blooms.
Very fragrant with sweet old rose perfume. Excellent cut flower.

Needs winter protection in Nova Scotia.
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)

Information online shows that this rose is hardy to zone 7a. However, it has survived, unprotected, in my USDA zone 5b garden after a winter when temperatures dropped to -27C or -16F (borderline 5a-5b temperature). Oklahoma looked dead most of the summer but re-grew from the ground and bloomed by fall. I have it growing at a sunny, very well-draining, exposed to city winds location.
From my experience, Oklahoma is very fragrant, you can walk by and smell the fragrance that filled the air.

2-gallon pot


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