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Inspiration Clematis, AKA Zoin. Blooms all Summer, Shade-Tolerant


Clematis integrifolia Inspiration, AKA Zoin

Flower Size: 3-4″ (8-10cm)
Flowering Period: June-Sept
Mature Height: 6-8′ (2-2.5m)
Pruning Group: C
Planting Aspect: Sun/ Partial Sun / Bright Shade
USDA Zone: 3
Suitable For Container: Yes
Suitable As Ground Cover: Yes

AKA Zoin, a cross between integrifolia Rosea and Warsaw Nike from The Netherlands. This outstanding plant has deep pink 3-4″ (8-10cm) flowers on strong non-clinging stems. It is most attractive if grown through a small shrub or attached to a support. The blooming period for these semi nodding flowers is June to September. Pruning group C.


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