Clematis florida Sieboldii (from Japan). Blooms all summer
Clematis florida Sieboldii
A spectacular species from Japan.
Exquisite ivory flowers with contrasting violet centres makes this one of the most beautiful of all clematis. As ‘Sieboldii’ flowers on the current year’s growth, cut down to 1.5-2 ft during winter and protect these branches.
Color: Bicolor
Flower Size: 3-4″ (8-10cm)
Flowering Period: June-Sept
Mature Height: 6-9′ (2-3m)
Pruning Group: B2
Planting Aspect: Sun/ Partial Shade
USDA Zone: 7
Needs winter protection. Can be cut down to 18″ height and heavily mulched with leaves and branches *after* below-freezing temperatures settle in.
Although there are reports of this variety doing well in even USDA zone 6 conditions, we recommend protecting it in the winter.
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